
How useful prunes?

Prunes – useful properties. Prunes – This dried fruit plums, often with grades and greengage uhorka. For quality dried fruits themselves choose ripe fruit and sweet plums. Dried prunes a couple, pre blanshuyut in boiling water. This useful properties of plums stored in this product. How useful prunes? Prunes are the most popular and consumed of all

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Uzvar s suhofruktіv

Place on seredníj Vogon, cover and wait to boil. I cookware with double bottom so I immediately turn off. The lid will not open, until cool. Bring to a boil in ordinary dishes, literally, minute, also do not open the lid until it has cooled down. Strain, if you believe, which turned out to be very concentrated, can be diluted with boiled water. We have such

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The benefits of dried fruits and treatment recipes

Dried fruits - a valuable product for our orhanizmu.Vysusheni the sun or commercially, but they retain a lot of vitamins and elements, which are necessary to maintain a healthy body and mind. Eat dried fruits every day and forget about diseases. Dried berries and fruits contain about 70% carbohydrates.First of all, these are easily digestible types of sugars (grape and fruit), which quickly enter the bloodstream and

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